Our Generation - screening at FERN - 7pm, Thurs 4 Nov  

“This is a very important film that everyone needs to see… It will change your life” John Butler, of the John Butler Trio
“The truth in this film is like a red hot poker driven into the conscience of a nation. Aboriginal voices, unheard or ignored, make it plain that they are ‘of their land’ and that they will not trade off their lawful rights. This film is a plea for reason. Are we listening? Will we act?” Jeff McMullen (former ABC Foreign Correspondent)
“If ever Australia had an Inconvenient Truth, this is it. Our Generation is a highly emotional, powerful journey into territory that we have chosen too long to ignore. This is a film every Australian needs to see.” Cathy Henkel (director of The Burning Season)
"From the ongoing controversy of the Northern Territory Intervention, to being forced off their traditional lands into larger townships crippled by social dysfunction, to their languages being removed from school education, to mining deals sidelining traditional owners, the Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory are fighting for freedom.

Our Generation is their untold story; of a struggle hidden from the eyes of mainstream Australia."

-Come get informed and share ideas on how to help.

- All proceeds go to Aboriginal Rights Coalition

-donation based, suggested $5-$10

7pm at FERN, corner of High St and Montreal
NEED I SAY MORE? Bring a deck chair or a cushion as we'll be screening outside.... SEE YOU THERE.

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