Justice not racism - rally against the NT intervention
written by Alex Bainbridge
at Monday, February 1, 2010

* Aboriginal control of Aboriginal affairs
* End the NT intervention
* Restore the Racial Discrimination Act
* End welfare quarantining
* Land rights not leases
* Stop Black deaths in Custody
* Terminate the GSL/G4S prison transport contract
* Support jobs, housing and education for all
SAT 13 FEB 2010
12noon, Wesley Church (cnr William & Hay Sts, Perth)
Speakers include:
Scott Ludlam (Greens Senator)
Carmen Lawrence (former ALP parliamentarian)
Natasha Moore (Aboriginal Rights Coalition)
Marianne Mackay (Deaths in Custody Watch Committee)
Ted Wilkes (tbc)
Organised by Aboriginal Rights Coalition
Ph Natasha 0431 017 157, Sanna 0417 852 628, Mick 0410 059 693.